Most individuals are interested in eyelid surgery to enhance their appearance. They may be dealing with excessive skin and fat drooping around their eyes. This causes them to look tired all of the time and much older than they really are. If you are tired of people always asking you if you feel exhausted when you are actually well-rested, eyelid surgery may be just what you need. Depending on your particular circumstances, an eyelid lift may also help to improve your vision if drooping skin is interfering with your ability to see.
Eyelid surgery has been designed to remove excess fat and skin from the upper and/or lower eyelids. At times, loose muscle may also be removed. The details of the procedure will depend on your aesthetic goals and the conditions you are hoping to address, among other things.
Most individuals are interested in an eyelid lift when they are a little bit older. Normally, as a person ages, their skin begins to sag and their eyes are affected by this. Some individuals who are younger and are genetically prone to drooping eyelids may qualify for an eyelid lift. There is no particular age limit for the surgery, but it is generally performed on individuals who are middle age and older.
The best candidates for eyelid surgery are individuals who would like to enhance their appearance by removing sagging skin and excess fat around their eyes. They are individuals who enjoy overall good health and who have realistic expectations for what an eyelid lift can do for them. During your first consultation, we will discuss your full health history to determine if an eyelid lift is right for you.
After the procedure has been performed, you will usually need about a week to recover. Our surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to care for yourself during the healing process. Once you have taken the time to heal completely, you will be able to enjoy the results of the eyelid surgery.
An eyelid lift could be just what you need to regain your youthful appearance. In some cases, it may also give you back the ability to see without any disruptions. To see if you are a candidate for eyelid surgery, make an appointment with our dedicated team at PryorHealth in Rockford. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation to see how this procedure can benefit you.
Looking to enhance your appearance? Connect with our specialists to explore our surgical, medspa, and wellness services. Get the boost you deserve. Contact us now.
Skin Body Soul Spa (West Des Moines)
9350 University Ave #132, West Des Moines, IA 502663